Worcester Nueva Vida Corps and Community Center

Below, you can find a schedule of our worship and fellowship services. Please join us!

For more information about the following worship and fellowship, please call 508.756.7191.

Corps Program Schedule

10:15 am | Sunday School
11:15 am | Worship
2:00 pm | Junior & Senior Soldier Prep Classes

11:00 am | Prayer Meeting
11:30 am | Bible Study

11:00 am & 5:00 pm | Woman's Ministries / Home League
5:00 pm | Home League (1st Wednesday of the Month)
5:00 pm | Corps Cadets

11:00 am | Sewing & Craft Outreach / Strikepoint (1st and 4th Thursday of the Month at 5:00 pm)
5:00 pm | Family Night - Puppets, Balloons, Super Heroes, Crafts and Birthdays

6:00 pm | Small Groups (2nd Saturday of the Month)

Captains Alberto and Mayra Fonseca
 640 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01608
Ph. 508.756.7191

Alberto.Fonseca@use.salvationarmy.org  |  Mayra.Fonseca@use.salvationarmy.org