Nine-year-old Jacob was praying for a bicycle for Christmas. Literally.Bike

All of his friends had bikes, and Jacob desperately wanted to be one of the pack. So after drawing a picture of the bike of his dreams, he taped it on the wall next to his bed, certain that if he prayed every day he would receive it on Christmas Day.

But Jacob's parents were struggling just to keep food in his stomach, clothes on his back, and a roof over his head.

A Bike Was Out of the Question, Until . . .

As Christmas approached, they knew there was no way they could afford a bike.
One day, shortly before the holiday, Jacob's mom stopped by The Salvation Army to see if we might have a small gift to surprise Jacob with on Christmas morning. Imagine her shock when she learned that a generous donor had come in a few days before and donated some brand new bikes, and that she could have her pick.

Jacob will never forget receiving his bike that Christmas morning. And his parents will never forget the compassion of people like you who help the prayers of little boys come true.
